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What is the value of adult friendships and how can it benefit me?
What is the value of adult friendships and how can it benefit me? Do your childhood friends live away from where you are now?...

Is it true that a morning routine can change my life for the better?
Is it true that a morning routine can change my life for the better? For many, morning is the most important part of the day....

I feel I am aging fast! What is the most challenging part of aging and how do I cope with it?
I feel I am aging fast! What is the most challenging part of aging and how do I cope with it? How can I age with grace and...

I want a promotion, but my manager says I need to develop more soft skills.
I want a promotion, but my manager says I need to develop more soft skills. What skills does the global workforce need? A...

Unfortunately, my parents were not exactly the best role models. How do I learn to be a better parent?
“We cannot give what we don’t have,” is such a common statement that describes that we are only able to enjoy for ourselves...

"A healthy mind in a healthy body," they say. But what if I am struggling with my eating habits?
"A healthy mind in a healthy body," they say. But what if I am struggling with my eating habits? In the decades after the 2000s,...

What subtle habits spoil my mental health without me knowing it?
What subtle habits spoil my mental health without me knowing it? Peak mental health. Is it just a dream? Is it possible to feel...

My thinking patterns are bringing me down! Is there a way to get out of this rut?
My mind wanders to what might be. Then thoughts turn to worries. The next thing I know, I am already replaying negative scenarios...

Is my child anxious? What are the telling signs?
As a parent, have you ever had that gut feeling that something is not right, that something is going on, but you just can’t put...

Being a parent is so tiring! Is self-care even possible?
One general principle that can be applied in parenting is one heard often at a flight announcement. When oxygen masks drop,...