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Home I want to raise my kids to be active and engaged citizens. How can I encourage community involvement in my children?

I want to raise my kids to be active and engaged citizens. How can I encourage community involvement in my children?


Being an active citizen is so important that the creators of the US Constitution had high expectations for every US citizen. They believed that each one has the responsibility to stay informed about what is happening in society and work in their own ways to promote the good of the whole society. 

In addition, active citizens are crucial in the success of a government system in the US because as active citizens become involved in societal life, they have the power to influence the future of the country. 

When should parents start engaging children in community involvement? 

The earlier the parents make their children explore community involvement, the better! Becoming a volunteer at any age gives children a chance to spend time and energy towards activities that aim to help those outside of their immediate circle. 

There are activities that welcome children’s help, from toddlers to teenagers too! A lot of these activities are also fun for children. 

Elementary years

Ideally, children in their elementary years already have a developing understanding about compassion, and introducing ways for them to practice it in a fun environment increases their ability to be kind and helpful. 

Middle school years

Reaching middle school, children can already participate in more regular programs that allow them to volunteer. Schools, religious organizations, non governmental and nonprofit organizations have programs that would interest older children. 

It is the best time to help them get to know what activities they are passionate about!

Other benefits of community involvement at a young age

As children become occupied with volunteering, they have the opportunity to work with people of different personalities and backgrounds. It gives them the chance to build emotional and social skills that are important in relationship-building.  

In addition, when children work with others, especially those who are struggling, children get to understand human struggles and see these problems as part of human life. Their awareness of other people’s needs increases their awareness and empowers them to participate in helping make their communities a better place.  

Different ways for kids to volunteer and be active in community work 

  • Helping at a home for older people gives children an appreciation for the elderly and a slower pace in life. 

  • Working with community centers to provide the needs of their community builds their self esteem. Doing chores, and other responsibilities at a young age develops their confidence in their ability to do new things while building up on the skills they already have. 

  • Helping at a local food bank gives children the chance to see the power of volunteerism. Children can help sort food and stock shelves. They can lend a hand in assembling food boxes for distribution. And they can help in meal delivery. 

  • Donating to a women’s shelter gives children perspective on how important little things are. Many shelter for people who are dealing with homelessness and abuse are reliant on donations and giving children the chance to see your donating items like clothes and toys teaches them about generosity.  

Community involvement at a young age allows children to grow into adults that care not only about their own development, but of those around them! They grow up into well-rounded individuals that are the hope of the future! 

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I want to raise my kids to be active and engaged citizens. How can I encourage community involvement in my children?
Brandon Resasco
