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Home My Partner Keeps Hanging Out With An Ex-Flame. I Saw Flirty Texts From Her Ex, How Do I Confront Her?

My Partner Keeps Hanging Out With An Ex-Flame. I Saw Flirty Texts From Her Ex, How Do I Confront Her?

My Partner Keeps Hanging Out with an Ex-Flame. I Saw Flirty Texts from Her Ex, How to Confront her (1).png

This is a form of cheating. Flirty texts with an ex-girlfriend are not normal in any world. Seeing this You don't know how to deal with a cheater. Your emotions are scattered, and your thoughts are jumbled. Simply put, you are unable to think clearly.

Secure Your Evidence

Take screenshots and pictures. You need to be in the upper hand here. Do not change your attitude towards your partner. Do not confront him until you are sure of what is happening. It will take a lot of self-control but it is the best thing that you can do.

            You can secure evidence when your partner is sleeping. You can borrow his phone and take those screenshots. You can also suggest that you come to hang out with them. If her ex will not go if you are there, that is confirmation that she has feelings for your boyfriend still.

Select the Right Time and Place

Selecting the right time and place is important in confrontations. Do it in a place where you have privacy and someone you trust is nearby or in another room. Some people have a hard time controlling their anger. We do not want you to suffer physically. This is just a precaution.

Lay the Evidence Out

Let him know that you have evidence for everything that you have said. They are no longer suspicions but the truth. That way your boyfriend will not be able to deny it and gaslight you into thinking you are just overthinking.

Prepare Yourself for Dramatic Reactions and Excuses.

Cheaters know how to be dramatic. They will give you a lot of excuses. Some will even threaten to kill themselves if you break up with them. That is just unhealthy as hell. They will kneel and cry in front of you. It is up to you to strengthen your heart and not give in.

Give Him an Ultimatum.

If you are willing to give him a chance, let him choose between you or his ex. If he chooses you, he needs to completely cut off any relationship with that ex. Blocking her on any social media is also non-negotiable. If he chooses you, He must be able to completely let go of that ex.

Temptations will always be there in any relationship but a real man will not act on it. Anyone who is committed to his/her partner will not flirt with others. Know your worth.

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My Partner Keeps Hanging Out With An Ex-Flame. I Saw Flirty Texts From Her Ex, How Do I Confront Her?
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