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Home I made a wrong decision that led to a major setback for the team. My boss has removed me from leadership responsibilities, and I find myself struggling with feelings of self-doubt and disappointment. How can I grow from this experience and regain trust?

I made a wrong decision that led to a major setback for the team. My boss has removed me from leadership responsibilities, and I find myself struggling with feelings of self-doubt and disappointment. How can I grow from this experience and regain trust?


Decisions and consequences. These two are interconnected with each other and we know that. Despite that, we are still not able to make the best decisions. I know it sucks. The decision that you made caused a major setback but I want you to know that it is not the end for you.

I know that you want that leadership position. However, you should work on regaining confidence and self-worth before developing your leadership skills. Here are some things that you can do:

Forgive Yourself.

Also, forgive yourself after you apologize to your boss and your team. Forgiving yourself will allow you to try out new things and eliminate the fear of failure. Sometimes, we expect too much from ourselves and when we fail, we experience self-doubt and disappointment.

Eliminate negative self-talk.

The way we talk to ourselves is a huge factor. Yes, our self can be the worst critic of our body and actions but constantly talking to ourselves negatively can affect our mood and behavior. 

Focus on your strengths and work on your weaknesses.

When you have already regained confidence through getting back your strengths, you can now slowly work on your weaknesses. This can be done through trial and error. Consistent practice will also help you out.

When it comes to big business decisions, heed advice from people who are doing well in the task that you want to learn. Even observing them helps you learn, as well.

Now that you have somehow gained confidence again, it's time to develop and enhance your leadership skills.

Be open to feedback.

Talk to your colleagues, now that you are in the same company position as them, they will be more open and honest with you. Ask them about your shortcomings as their leader before. Take accountability and do not try to deny anything.

Revisit your Past Mistakes.

Acknowledge that you have done a mistake and you need to work on it.

Research How you can Improve Your Leadership Skills.

There are now a lot of online mentorship or face-to-face leadership workshops that you can attend. Learning from other successful people is a good sign of a good leader.

Choose the Right Mentor.

Emulate the leader that you want to be. This is a good way to put yourself out there and it shows humility. Talk and converse with people that you look up to.

Evaluate Yourself.

Compare yourself to who you have become and the previous you. Celebrate getting better than the past no matter how little the improvement is.

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