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Home What Are Some Self-Care Practices and Resilience-Building Techniques for Dealing with Challenging and Emotionally Draining Cases?

What Are Some Self-Care Practices and Resilience-Building Techniques for Dealing with Challenging and Emotionally Draining Cases?

What Are Some Self-Care Practices and Resilience-Building Techniques for Dealing with Challenging and Emotionally Draining Cases.png

By Ysabelle Navales

Working in the healthcare sector is physically and mentally exhausting. Every day, you are facing constant dilemmas involving difficult cases particularly life and death situations of your patient. It is inevitable to feel distress, especially in situations like this. That is why it is vital to practice self-care and build resilience as a physician or a healthcare practitioner.


            Take your breaks seriously. Breaks can be rare, especially for doctors in their residency. When you are asked to take a break. Then take it seriously.

            Sleep. Sleep can do wonders for your body. Sleep-deprived individuals are more prone to stress and depression. They are also more irritable which is something that will not help in dealing with patients.

            Fitness. Exercise helps with hormone regulation resulting in a more stable mood. People with hormonal imbalances usually experience fluctuations. They are more likely to develop irregular eating habits.

            Healthy Social Interactions. Having healthy conversations with your friends or family may ease your mental load. Having someone who can relate to you can be beneficial on your part. Their advice might be helpful and relevant to your situation.



            Resilience is standing back up ever after the downfall. One must be able to adapt to stressful situations. Here are some things that you can do to build resilience.

            Learn how to cope with changes.  Change is constant. Learning how to cope with change will help you in stressful situations. When it is your first time dealing with a difficult case or patient, then it is going to be hard for you emotionally. Take your lesson and you will be able to deal with it in a better way.

            Look for self-discovery in stress/trauma. There is a silver lining in every traumatic experience. It is not the end of the world. It is just a turning point in your life that will guide you to self-actualization.

            Positivity. Focus your attention on positive things in trying times. It sounds cliché but it works. Gratitude and meditation can work wonders in turning yourself into a positive person.   

            A healthcare profession is a selfless profession. It requires you to be strong emotionally and physically. You will have to sacrifice your time to deal with your patients. It is the noblest of professions and you will be respected for that but don`t forget to take care of yourself. You are your own person first before you become a doctor.

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