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Home My Partner And I Have Different Expectations For The Future, And It's Causing Tension And Uncertainty In Our Relationship. How Can We Find Common Ground To Align Our Visions?

My Partner And I Have Different Expectations For The Future, And It's Causing Tension And Uncertainty In Our Relationship. How Can We Find Common Ground To Align Our Visions?

My partner and I have different expectations for the future, and it's causing tension and uncertainty in our relationship. How can we find common ground to align our visions (1).png

By Ysabelle Navales

Every individual is different in a way. Your partner is not an exception to that.

Expectations for the future can be deal breakers in relationships especially if either one of you is not willing to compromise.

But remember that love can conquer even the hardest of battles. Misunderstandings and differences can be fixed by love, understanding, and care.

So what do you need to do to align your visions and continue this relationship? Here are three major tips that I can offer you based on first-hand experience.

Communication and Compromise

Talk about your future. Explore your possible number of kids, your job location, and where you want to raise them. Hear what your partner is saying without making advanced assumptions. Be open to your partner, as well. When listening, do not judge your partner immediately.

When you have already talked about your aspirations and thoughts about your future, make compromises so that you can align your goals to one.

Remember and Understand the Why

Remember why you are in this relationship. Remember the love and the spark that you felt during the first few months that you have. This can be very helpful so that you guys will be more understanding of each other.

Also, talk about why your partner feels that this particular dream is his or her vision for your relationship. Talking about the ‘why’ may help you see the things that he or she envisions without getting angry at your partner. This will help you be at peace with your discussed compromises.

Keep in mind that a person is changing. Based on our experience and events that we have noticed, our opinion about something may change.


Third on the list is acceptance. Once you have already talked about the compromises, learn to accept them. Do not hold grudges nor keep tabs on your sacrifices for the relationship or your partner.

Couples Therapy

When all else fails, couples` therapy might work. Having a professional in between might help you understand each other and improve your relationship greatly.

At the end of the day, your relationship will not work if none of you will work hard enough to save the relationship. Your differences do not matter. What matters is what you are willing to do.

#RelationshipGoals #FindingCommonGround #LoveAndUnderstanding #CommunicationMatters #PartnershipJourney #HarmonyInLove #RelationshipVisions #CoupleHappiness #LoveConquersAll #TogetherForever

My Partner And I Have Different Expectations For The Future, And It's Causing Tension And Uncertainty In Our Relationship. How Can We Find Common Ground To Align Our Visions?
Danilo Huerto
