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Home What Can Healthy Co-Parenting Teach Us About Successful Blended Families?

What Can Healthy Co-Parenting Teach Us About Successful Blended Families?

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Successful co-parenting in a blended family could be manifested through the children. Plans on 
how to make it work should be discussed by parties involved, especially the biological parents. 

Children go through a turmoil of emotions when their parents get divorced. Now thrown into a 
new environment with a new set of rules in a blended family, it is out of the question that 
children may suffer emotionally and mentally if this setup is not executed effectively. 

Marriage resulting in divorce has become a common thing in the U.S. There are many success 
stories of co-parenting in a blended family that you could learn from if you are new to this 

Here are 5 helpful tips on how to maneuver through co-parenting in a blended family:


Whether you are the former or the new partner, always seek to respect the other party. This 
includes refusing to talk bad about them in front of the kids no matter how hurt you were in a 
divorce. When it comes to taking care of the kids, set aside the grievances you have in your 
chest for your former partner and join hands together to make it work for the sake of the 

2. Communicate

As simple as communication can make a difference. Children thrown into a blended family may 
not be able to adjust easily to the setup. As one of the parents, always let the communication 
open. It doesn't matter if they rebel out of frustration, make sure to understand them first and 
establish a communication with them. Know their thoughts and feelings about the current 

Let them know also that they are understood and that no one is replacing the other parents. 
In a family with step-siblings, it is important to demonstrate harmonious living by treating 
everyone in fairness and love. 

3. Be Civil

It is understandable if there are remnants of anger within you against your partner after a 
painful divorce. However, when it comes to parenting, you must maintain a business-like 
decorum when dealing with your former partner. Plan out everything with them like rules, 
schedules, financial assistance, activities, tasks, and everything that will help the children foster 
in the new environment. 

4. Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries is vital for the children of all ages as this will help them develop appropriate 
behaviors and serve as their preparation for the real world. 
As families have different sets of values, you must determine what boundaries the children 
need to follow such as bedtime, hours spent on games, school work, or as simple as no 
interrupting amidst conversation for smaller children. 

5. Be Committed in Consistency

Co-parenting takes serious commitment on consistency. There is no need to be extravagant in 
order to persuade your children that you are a good parent. Be there for them. Keep your 
promises of dates or fun activities. Make them your priority above all else. 


Co-parenting is hard as it involves people you love. But together as parents in a blended family, 
rearing children to help them grow healthily, is possible. Just remember to be consistent in 
fostering respect, establishing communications, work together with former spouse, and set 
acceptable boundaries.
What Can Healthy Co-Parenting Teach Us About Successful Blended Families?
Givenchy Derecho
