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Home Difference Between Dating And Love: Can I Date Without Committing To A Relationship?

Difference Between Dating And Love: Can I Date Without Committing To A Relationship?

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Difference Between Dating and Love: Can I date without committing to a relationship?

Dating is simply the process of selecting the right partner for a relationship. It could be casual
with no commitments involved. One may spend time with somebody with no concrete dating
goal or any other expectations. In short, this is a 'getting-to-know-you' stage. Going out for
dinner, strolling to a park, doing things together as common leisure, sports, or even
participating in group dating which teenagers are highly encouraged to do since they are too
young to settle for a serious relationship.

On the other hand, dating could also be exclusive with the potential to develop into a serious
and lasting romantic relationship. One could get to know a person they want to have exclusivity
with through this process. Instead of taking it on a lighter note like merely asking basic
questions such as their names, what are their favorite colors, or even their birthdates, going an
extra mile to impress the person is a sure sign that a romantic relationship might bloom soon.

So, can you date but not commit to a relationship?

The answer is yes.

And no, that is not something to be ashamed of if you are dating as many as you can but
haven't really fully committed yet. Dating is a process that helps many select what is best suited
to them as a partner. You can see and check your compatibility with the person you are going
out with and determine if both of you could take it to the next level.

How to know if the person you are going out with is planning on committing to you?

The answer is simple. Exclusivity.

If they are only seeing you through and none else, that means they are getting to know you
more and are planning to form a relationship with you.

Sometimes it could be spontaneous when they kiss you at the right moment or simply declare
their love to you after being together for a while, take it as one giveaway that they are keen on
making you theirs. Not as property but as equal partners in the life of a married couple (if you
already like them, then lucky you sunshine).

How to know if they are only leading you on?

If their words and actions don't match, well, it's time to run as fast as you can from these
hooligans. Stop wasting your time with them and move to the next potential partner. There are
a lot of fish in the sea for you to settle with a low-level kind of fish that could poison you
with their toxicity.


Date as much as you can. Go on group dates (especially for teenagers) to avoid the temptation
to get physical. It is not worth it to have a casual intimate night with somebody who considers
you a casual date. Bag the price of exclusivity ( and as much as possible, with marriage in mind)
before engaging in intimacy.
Difference Between Dating And Love: Can I Date Without Committing To A Relationship?
Danilo Huerto
