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Home Oh no! Layoffs are happening left, right and center. How can I deal with it if it happens to me?

Oh no! Layoffs are happening left, right and center. How can I deal with it if it happens to me?

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Oh no! Layoffs are happening left, right and center. How can I deal with it if it happens to me?

We see it on the news. We watch it on social media. What once was a comfort zone kind of work situation now feels like a bomb that’s about to explode. More and more employees now are dreading opening their emails for fear of receiving a notice of being let go. Lay offs are everywhere. 

What are employees feeling? 

The feeling of unease over job security is prevalent among more than half of the workers surveyed as shown in 2 research studies conducted 6 months apart in 2022 and 2023. The number of layoffs and job discharges leapt from 2.1 million to a stagerring 19 million in 2023. (2) With the job market showing increasing signs of slowing down, employees are reporting feeling jittery about being able to keep their jobs. (1) Industries across the board from technology to retail are reporting layoffs by the thousands and employees are not feeling safe. 

Consequences of an  anxiety-ridden workforce

  • A decrease in well-being

The impact of anxiety on employees is no joke. Many report that they tend to feel more mentally and physically tired after a work day. Low energy and even blues result from hearing about a layoff. In effect, some of them employ coping mechanisms which they recognize as  unhealthy behaviors like sleeping later, eating more than usual, and not exercising among others. (3) Their feeling of insecurity now has ramifications on their health. 

A collection of surveys also show that these employees have a reported decrease in satisfaction over their family life and relationships.(3)

  • A reduction in productivity

This fear of possibly losing one’s job is like a black cloud looming employees with lay off anxiety. In effect, surveys show that they are more likely to spend more time looking for other employment. (1)  Both the mental and physical effects of anxiety also plays a role in this decrease in workflow. 

Dealing with Lay off anxiety 

  • Have social safeguards

Positive interactions with co-workers, managers and supervisors might be effective in providing a buffer to our feelings of anxiety. Having managers who are skilled in creating a fun environment is a bonus! Whether we are part of an online workforce or we work at the office, working should not be so heavy. For example, starting an online meeting with a game that allows people to share about themselves is a quick way to build trust and diffuse the stress of meetings. 

  • Open communication. 

Regularly get updates on how the company is doing through open communication. Whenever there are meetings about company updates, we can ask questions about possible changes and how it could impact our roles. This can increase our engagement and concern for different roles and departments and creates an understanding of how our company works as an entity. 

Open communication can also be applied during our one-on-one meeting with our manager. Upon our manager’s inquiry on how we are and how we can be assisted, we can express our concerns. This gives the manager a chance to update us and possibly give us reassurance. 

If we are struggling with our coping mechanisms and would like some more help, scheduling with a counselor or a mental health therapist might be a great idea. 

Building a resilient mind in times like this one would diminish the burden of a heavy mind and even set us up for a better work experience.

It is not embarrassing to feel unease about news of layoffs. Fearing the loss of our livelihood is daunting. But the good news is that there is help! From helping us regain our peace of mind to teaching us new and healthier ways to cope with our unease, taking steps to a better state of mind is a move towards winning. 
