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Home Summer vacation can both be fun and full of growth! How can I help my children make the most of their summers?

Summer vacation can both be fun and full of growth! How can I help my children make the most of their summers?


What’s your best summer memory as a child? As often as not, we are nostalgic about times spent exploring our neighborhood with friends, seemingly endless days of play, and even the games we played in summer camp. 

Maybe a revisit to these old but gold memories might stir parents to give their children opportunities to have a great summer experience!

Summers in the US for teens

When Pew Research Institute compared how teens in 2017 spent their summer hours to teens in 2007, the researchers found that: 

  • More time is spent on educational activities with a rise of 18%, 
  • Leisure time during summer vacation dropped by 24%, 
  • Socializing decreased by 22%. 

These educational activities included doing homework. On the other hand, the survey also showed that more teens are spending time playing sports and other exercises. The only constant was that teens spent an average of three and a half hours on their screens during summer break. 

What do children want for summer? 

But if you ask today’s children and teens about their ideal summer, they would tell you they want to play! 

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the landscape of how education, free time, and family systems are structured. It was a difficult time for everyone, including children. 

In a survey of 2000 children and teens in 2021, it was found that their ideal summer was to have fun-filled activities like pool parties, road trips, trips to the beach, visits to amusement parks, playdates with friends, and play with new toys. 

Why is it important to have summertime experiences? 

The basic needs of children remain the same all throughout their growth years. They need proper nutrition, safety, and support for the development of their health, emotions, mind, and social skills. 

During the hours spent in school, they are provided with stimulus and the environment so that these developments happen. But when summertime comes, it is mostly up to the parents to provide opportunities for growth and development to happen. 

According to science, participation in after-school activities, including summertime activities include: 

  • Protecting children from developing antisocial behaviors.
  • Improving children’s attendance and academic skills. 
  • Improving physical and mental health outcomes.  

What are amazing summertime activities for children?

  • Summer camp
. In summer camp, children get to socialize and build new friendships. Summer camps often group children according to their age group, so children can interact in a fun environment with children their own age. They learn to set boundaries, make decisions, and interact more with the outdoors.  

  • Outdoor activities with the family.
A simple backyard camping or picnic can be stimulating and fun! Parents and children can practice disconnecting from technology while doing this. This reduces screen time, and encourages children to play games without their gadgets, and spend more time bonding with their caregivers. 

If the family has easy access to the beach or pool, swimming can be an awesome activity to increase their time doing physical activities. Recent surveys in the US show that children are becoming increasingly sedentary leading to increased risk in becoming overweight, obese and developing lifestyle-related diseases. 

  • Hone talents through sports and art camps.
These types of activities provide both structure and opportunities for the child to enjoy and explore the thing they love doing and have fun at the same time. It also increases the child’s confidence in their abilities! 

Whatever activity the children join in this summer, a great blessing parents and guardians can give their children is for them to make the most of summer days. Fill them with sunshine, memories, and stories they can bring with them all their days. 

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Summer vacation can both be fun and full of growth! How can I help my children make the most of their summers?
Brandon Resasco
