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I broke up with my partner, but now I am having doubts. Did I do it out of the right reasons or was I just being fearful?
One of the marks of adulthood is a lot of decision-making- “What career path do I take?”, “How do I make my finances...

Money talks are so stressful! Can married couples just live their financial lives separately?
Money talks are so stressful! Can married couples just live their financial lives separately? Two people who grew up under...

Bad news is all around and it gives me anxiety! How do I overcome my negative feelings?
Bad news is all around and it gives me anxiety! How do I overcome my negative feelings? Is it just me, or the news just has...

What is up? Gen Z's seem to age faster than other generations!
What is up? Gen Z's seem to age faster than other generations! Phrases like “aging like milk” , “looking much older than...

My teen insists on taking a "mental health day." Is that necessary?
By the time your teen reaches young adulthood, they will have to face so many challenges and make numerous choices. Some of these...

Words kill or give life. What words should I not say to my children to avoid damaging them mentally?
Relationships rely on communication, and that is true to the parent and child connection as well. Each and every interaction...

Very few people seem to find success in love. Is modern dating ruined?
If you ask a single friend how their dating life is, they might tell you it is not so good. This is mirrored by a 2019 survey...

Unfortunately, my parents were not exactly the best role models. How do I learn to be a better parent?
“We cannot give what we don’t have,” is such a common statement that describes that we are only able to enjoy for ourselves...

Is there a secret sauce to a successful marriage?
Is there a secret sauce to a successful marriage? Healthy marriages are like fruit trees that grow their roots deep into the...

What habits can I start tomorrow that will improve my life?
What habits can I start tomorrow that will improve my life? Is there a habit that you badly want to break? Or a new practice that...