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Home So... I Have Been Dating This Guy For a Year And Half. He's Been Wonderful But I'm 29 And I Want To Settle Down. He's 35. I Want Kids But He Says He Does Not Want Kids. Should I Leave The Man Of My Dreams? I Really Always Wanted Kids.

So... I Have Been Dating This Guy For a Year And Half. He's Been Wonderful But I'm 29 And I Want To Settle Down. He's 35. I Want Kids But He Says He Does Not Want Kids. Should I Leave The Man Of My Dreams? I Really Always Wanted Kids.

So... I Have Been Dating This Guy For a Year And Half. He's Been Wonderful But I'm 29 And I Want To Settle Down. He's 35. I Want Kids But He Says He Does Not Want Kids. Should I Leave The Man Of My Dreams.png
So... I Have Been Dating This Guy For a Year And a Half. He's Been Wonderful But I'm 29 And I Want To
Settle Down. He's 35. I Want Kids But He Says He Does Not Want Kids. Should I Leave The Man Of My
Dreams? I Always Wanted Kids.

Love is a beautiful thing, and it often transcends the boundaries of age, time, and circumstance. You find
yourself in a situation that many others have faced, a journey where the desire for love and the dream of
starting a family appear to be on opposite sides. You've been dating a wonderful man for a year and a half,
but you're 29 and have a strong desire to settle down and have children. On the other hand, He is 35 and
firmly states that he does not want kids. This leaves you with a difficult decision: Should you leave the guy
of your dreams to pursue your longtime desire to become a mother?

Importance of Shared Goals

It's necessary to know that having different life goals might cause serious problems in a relationship. The
decision to have children is quite personal, thus it may be difficult in the relationship when two partners
have different perspectives. Consider your personal goals and objectives while balancing them with the
relationship you have with your partner.

Understanding Your Desires

You must consider your feelings and desires before deciding. You've always wanted
children, and it's a valid and heartfelt desire. You may feel pressured to start a family sooner rather than
later at 29. Consider how important parenthood is to you and how it connects with your life goals. Think
about if you're willing to give up this desire for the sake of your present relationship.

Communication and Compromise

Communication and compromise are essential to healthy relationships. Have a direct discussion with your
partner about how much you want to have children. Understanding why he doesn't want children is
important. He can be worried about his children, his future, or other aspects of his life. Try to understand
his perspective and communicate with your feelings at the same time. The conversation could lead
to a possible solution or highlight the irreconcilable contrasts between your life goals.

Timing and Patience

When it comes to family planning, timing is everything. If you decide to stay with your partner, you should
set a timetable for revisiting the matter of having children. While it's important to respect his perspective,
you should also make it clear that having children is something you cannot live without. If he insists on not
having children, you'll have to decide if you're ready to wait and possibly miss out on the opportunity to
become a mother.

Seeking Professional Guidance

Couples who are experiencing such serious disagreements may seek advice from relationship counselors
or therapists. Conversations can be guided by a qualified expert who can also offer ways of fostering
communication. Before making any decisions that might change your life, this can be a helpful step.

Exploring Other Options

You may need to look into different possibilities if your partner is determined not to have children if he
persists that way. To keep possibilities, open in the future, you might consider adopting or preserving your
eggs. These solutions can make it possible for you to have kids while still being in a committed relationship.

In conclusion, navigating a relationship with different perspectives on having children is difficult. Leaving
the man of your dreams is a heartbreaking decision, but so is giving up your dream of becoming a mother.
Ultimately, the choice is deeply personal and will depend on the weight you assign to these desires in your
life. No one solution works for everyone, so it's important to put your happiness and
well-being first while also thinking about your partner and the future you want for the two of you.
Whatever you choose, be sure it is aligned with your values and provides you with the fulfillment you want
