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After We Had Kids, My Wife Doesn't Get Dressed Up Anymore. She Wears Sweatpants and Flip Flops Every Day. This Is A Huge Turnoff. Please Help.

After We Had Kids, My Wife Doesn't Get Dressed Up Anymore. She Wears Sweatpants and
Flip Flops Every Day. This Is A Huge Turnoff. Please Help.
Kids in marriage can change the dynamic in the family. Aside from many sleepless nights, the
messy living rooms ( kid's toys), or the heap of laundry every day, the usual routine of both
spouses can also be altered.
Mostly, as the primary caretaker of the children, wives are left in the house to take charge.
With endless household chores and the kids trying to challenge every bit of patience and sanity
left of every mother, there is no surprise if you come home and find her still in her pajamas and
unwashed hair. But hey, at least the house is clean, the kids are fed, bathed, and tucked in bed,
the laundry is washed and folded and dinner is served hot on the table.
The only downside is seeing your wife's unkempt appearance. Gone are her youth and
attractive self you once adored. While this is certainly a phase that will eventually disappear as
children grow, you wish to see her take care of herself too. But how can you tell her about this?
First, sit down with your wife after you get home from work. Discuss your concern while you
either watch movies together or massage her tired feet. Be gentle and sensitive as it is also not
your wife's choice to end up looking haggard.
Second, consider taking some time off your work and surprise her with a date. Tell her to dress
nicely and that you'll be taking her to some fancy restaurant. Remind her that she is special and
beautiful. With your positive reinforcements, she will be inspired to look after herself, mentally
and physically.
Third, help around the house. Taking the trash out is basic. This time, she does the dishes, and cooks for
Third, help around the house. Taking the trash out is basic. This time, she does the dishes, and cooks for
breakfast while she sleeps more, or takes the kids to school.
Fourth, work out with her. Sometimes, it is hard to shed off that mommy's belly after giving
birth. But it will be inspiring to work out with a companion. Jog together first thing in the
morning or sign up for gym membership.
Fifth, let her shop for new things. Women love dressing up especially trying out new clothes.
Give her some freedom (and money) to buy something for herself other than groceries. Make
her go to her hair and nail appointment. Anything that will make her happy and increase her
sense of self-worth and well-being.
Takeaway, Do you want a happy life? Prioritize making a happy wife. Don't just watch her and
cast criticizing eyes on the person you married. She is a reflection of you and how you are
treating her will manifest in her appearance and the glow of her eyes. So if you want her to
improve, bond with her, surprise her now and then, join with her, and let her enjoy life. So