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Home My Husband Is Not Handy Around The House. I Wish He Was. How Can I Encourage Him To Learn How To Be More Handy?

My Husband Is Not Handy Around The House. I Wish He Was. How Can I Encourage Him To Learn How To Be More Handy?

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My Husband Is Not Handy Around The House. I Wish He Was. How Can I Encourage Him To Learn How
To Be More Handy?

In many homes, this is a familiar situation: you have a partner who, despite all their great traits, isn't
very handy around the house. You love them for who they are, but sometimes you wish they could help
with home fixes or changes. The good news is that you can help your partner learn to do things around
the house independently without worsening things. This blog will look at easy and familiar ways to help
them develop their inner handyman.

Talk To Each Other

Start by talking to your partner honestly and openly. Tell them why you want them to be more helpful
around the house and how it would help both of you. Ensure to stress that the goal isn't to change who
they are but to give them new skills. Get them to talk about their thoughts and worries as well.

Talk About Your Plans

Paint a clear picture of how being handy around the house can help you. Mention how it can save
money on fixes, make you feel better about yourself, and help you feel more connected to your home.
Sharing your excitement can make your partner want to join in, too.

Start Small

It can be scary to learn new skills, so it's important to start small. Find easy things that your partner can
do without getting too stressed out. Simple things like changing a light bulb or fixing a tap that leaks can
be an excellent place to start.

Team Up

Work on projects together to show that you care. This allows your partner to learn by doing and makes
you feel more like a team. Choose tasks that match their hobbies and move up to more challenging jobs
over time.

Give Information

Give your partner the things they need to do their job. Invest in a simple toolkit and give them access to
movies or books on using the tools. Having the right tools and being shown how to use them can help
them feel more confident and make learning fun.

Go To Classes or Workshops

You should sign up for DIY training or lessons near you. These can be fun and teach you both new skills
at the same time. Also, you don't have to worry about being the only teacher.

Honor Accomplishments

No matter how small, you should celebrate every achievement. Recognize what they've done and
accomplished, but don't dwell on their mistakes or failures. The key to their learning process is a positive
and helpful setting.

Don't Rush Them

People learn at different rates. Be patient and kind, as your partner knows something new. Don't push
too hard because that can make people fight back. Let them take breaks when they need to, and set
reasonable standards.

Get Help From A Professional

Most of the time, it's best to hire professionals for more complicated jobs or significant home
improvements. Stress that it's okay to ask for help when you need it. So you can work together on
learning for smaller projects.

Use Their Best Qualities

Remember that being handy around the house isn't the only way to make a home happy. Recognize and
value the unique strengths and traits of your partner. A healthy relationship is based on love, respect,
and helping each other.

In the end, to get your partner to help out around the house more, you'll need patience, open
communication, and a shared goal. You can help them learn helpful DIY skills while improving your
relationship as a couple by taking small steps together, giving them tools, and ensuring they feel
supported. Ultimately, the goal isn't just to have a more helpful partner but also to build a sense of
teamwork and shared success in your home.
My Husband Is Not Handy Around The House. I Wish He Was. How Can I Encourage Him To Learn How To Be More Handy?
Carren Flores
