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Home How do you Destress As A Parent?

How do you Destress As A Parent?


Parenting is not a walk in the park. It is fulfilling, fun, and full of adventures on many days, but there will be seasons of stress, anxiety, and worry that come along.  In fact, a survey of US moms shows that 7 in 10 say that parenting is “very stressful.” 

Stress, as a normal part of parenting, should not be viewed as inherently “evil” in and of itself. Rather, experiencing stress as parents can be a reminder for parents that they are individuals, before they take on the identity of being a parent, who need to take care of themselves and de-stress once in a while. 

And when parents take de-stressing seriously, they will be able to enjoy their time more as parents, they can be a role model to their children on how to manage stress, and as a parent who has emotional and mental well-being, they can bond and create a more secure relationship with their children. 

Where can parents start stress management? 

  • Start with assessing your physical health. Parents, especially new parents, tend to neglect even their physical health in taking care of their young ones. Many find that they have become too busy with housework, taking care of their children, and working, that there is not enough time left to fit in enough sleep, exercise, and social activities into the schedule. 

Here are the signs that you may be feeling overwhelmed: 

  • You are constantly worried. 
  • You feel fatigued. 
  • You are not getting enough hours of sleep almost every night. 
  • You feel lonely or sad many days. 
  • You are starting to experience physical symptoms, like digestive problems, headaches. 
  • You tend to use alcohol to try to decrease stress. 

As physical health contributes to how parents feel mentally and emotionally, assess how you are in this area. Do not feel guilty if you find out that you have been prioritizing family first. It takes time to adjust, but small and gradual steps might make good changes. 

What small things can be changed in your daily routine to make more time for your own health? Create a list of these little things you can do for your well-being, and start small. 

  • Can you get outside? Going for a short walk or maybe a run allows you to get your needed sunshine, activate your Vitamin D, and release hormones that make you feel positive. If you used to go to the gym regularly or used to be a sporty person, maybe it is time you can go back to your hobby again, even just a few times a week or a couple of times a month. 

  • Were you a reader? Pick up that book you have been wanting to read for while now, and start reading a few pages everyday. Readers know the power of reading in transporting them to another world, where stress can melt in the background. You might feel refreshed after just a few minutes with your book and a cup of steaming coffee or tea beside you. 

  • Talk to somebody you trust and enjoy spending time with. Maybe you and your partner need that moment of “us time” as a couple. Or a chat with your close family member or friend might make you feel heard. 

This is where partners or close significant others can support a parent. Do not be afraid to ask for backup if you need a little time for yourself. 

In addition, a community of fellow parents might be able to ease your worries. Meeting fellow parents who are also in similar situations can make you feel less lonely in your experiences as a parent. 

If you are still struggling with parenting stress, there is no shame in seeking help from a professional. You may find the support and teaching you need from a mental health therapist like a licensed family counselor, a psychologist, or a social worker. 

Make parenting a journey that brings you joy and opportunities to become a better person. It starts with taking time to take care of yourself, asking for help if you need to, and blessing your children with the benefits of being a mentally and emotionally happy and balanced parent. 

Premier mental health opportunities for licensed and professional psychologists and mental health therapists offer rewarding career advancement in the medical field. Explore available opportunities now. 

How do you Destress As A Parent?
Brandon Resasco
