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Home What are the career opportunities for nurses working in Long-Term Care?

What are the career opportunities for nurses working in Long-Term Care?


“Constant attention by a good nurse may be just as important as a major operation by a surgeon.” —Dag Hammarskjöld 

This statement rings true. Nurses play a vital role in any healthcare team or setting. Their patient-centered approach on health makes them natural and effective educators, advocates, and guardians of their patients’ health. 

Long-term Care Nursing

Nurses can work in different areas of patient needs, from acute medical conditions, disabilities, to long term illnesses. Patients that may need long-term care are those with chronic health conditions, with disabilities, recovering from injuries or are in advanced age. All these may limit patients’ ability to function and to do activities of daily living. This is why long-term care nurses are needed

In addition, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicts that due to the growth of America’s aging population, more and more long-term nursing jobs are going to open. 

These skilled professionals are equipped to deliver extended nursing care to patients in a variety of long term care facilities, from a few weeks for some patients, and up to years for others. 

Because of this, the connection between patients and long-term care nurses are often at a more personal level. This relationship-driven connection is what sets long-term care nurses apart from other nursing specializations. 

Where do long-term care nurses work? 

There are a lot of options for long-term care nurses when it comes to work settings. Most LTC nurses work in assisted living facilities, but others are in hospices, home health care settings, rehabilitation centers. Here are a couple of places that require LTC nursing. 

  1. Nursing homes. These facilities provide 24/7 nursing care to residents, commonly the elderly. Care includes assistance in daily activities, giving of medications, prompt assessment or monitoring of health status, and working with other members of the healthcare team.
  2. Facilities that cater to the health needs of people with memory problems, Alzheimer’s, and dementia.  People with cognitive problems due to old age or neurologic diseases affecting memory require specialized and long-term care, and nurses who are certified to provide their healthcare needs are vital in these facilities. LTC nurses in this specialization are able to give support in therapies that help patients with their cognitive functions.

Career opportunities for Long-term care nurses

Long-term care nursing careers can be both rewarding and satisfying because of these advantages: 

  • LTC nurses have opportunities for professional development. Because there are several work settings to choose from, LTC nurses can take certifications that allow them to expand their employment prospects.

  • LTC nurses in their work experience can gain valuable specialized skills. For example, working in rehabilitation facilities or facilities for those with memory problems, LTC nurses enhance their knowledge and skills in specific treatments for particular conditions.

  • Other specialization options for LTC nurses are: 
  1. Dementia care
  2. Pain management, especially for chronic conditions
  3. Diabetes management
  4. IV therapy

There are misconceptions about long-term care nurses’ career. One of them is that long-term nursing is a boring job. In truth, despite its appearance of being a simple kind of work, it actually requires more complex skills in team work, leadership and critical thinking. 

Another misconception is that it is an easy career. In reality, long-term nurses are not only medically knowledgeable and capable, but they are also mentally and physically fit to perform some heavy lifting, and to handle stressful situations and an occasionally heavy workload. 

If you are a nursing professional who wants to make strong personal connections with patients and help them live an enriched life despite their medical conditions, then a long-term care nursing career may be for you! 

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What are the career opportunities for nurses working in Long-Term Care?
Brandon Resasco
