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Home What Your Halloween Costume Says About You

What Your Halloween Costume Says About You


Traditions and holidays that we know of and practice today often have undergone transformations over time, and one of these holidays is Halloween. 

From its roots in a Celtic festival, Halloween went from a costume-wearing activity in order to drive back evil spirits or celebrate and honor the dead, to a more pop culture-inspired party culture where people channel their creativity to show a fun or quirky side of their personality. 

In recent years, many communities around the world practice Halloween through dressing up as their favorite character, while others still adopt the “darker” expression of Halloween through wearing scary and death-related costumes. 

If you are looking for inspiration for your look for Halloween, read on and see if you prefer dressing up based on your personality. 

Halloween costumes based on your personality type

One of the most popular personality test, 16 Personalities, inspired by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), made a prediction of how people who are introverted, extroverted, people who receive information through sensing or intuition, people who made decisions leaning more on thinking or on feeling, and those who view the world through judging or perceiving would choose their Halloween costume.  

If you do not know your personality type yet, you can go to the 16personalities website and take the test for free. 

  • Are you imaginative, a strategic thinker who likes to plan and organize? When it comes to costumes, you might love to research and learn about topics and characters that may not be as interesting to others. Often, you choose to dress up as a historical figure, so that you get the chance to share your newly gained knowledge to those willing to listen. 

  • Are you innovative and always hungry for learning? Hypothetical situations energize your brain, so when choosing a character to play for Halloween, you typically choose dystopian characters so you can imagine your what-ifs. 

  • Are you strong-willed and bold, and the leader type? Your strong opinions and direct personality makes you opt for costumes that embody strong leadership or even that of a judge for Halloween. 

  • Are you naturally curious and excited about intellectual discussions? You love to explore different perspectives, and therefore love dressing up for Halloween! Often choosing unexpected outfits, you show up as something related to the things you naturally like, but in the most unexpected ways. 

  • Are you the quiet type, but often inspiring when you believe in something? You must be well-read and your choice of character for your Halloween costume is not based on popularity, but based on a trait of the character that really inspires you. 

  • Are you kind, helpful, and often self-sacrificing? Your dreamy and creative nature makes you want to create your ideal world when given a chance to dress up for Halloween. So more often than not, you dress up as a magical creature with power to change things as your imagination allows. 

  • Are you light-hearted, charismatic and inspiring? You love the fun in life, and for Halloween, you love to channel your lighthearted energy as your beloved pop star.

  • Are you optimistic, enthusiastic and sociable? Your positive view of the future makes you a visionary. So you often dress as someone you idealize yourself to become in the future. 

  • Are you on the practical and sensible side? Often, you only agree to dress up because you have little choice not to do so. If wearing a costume is inevitable, you typically dress up as your iconic self. 

  • Are you nurturing and protective of others? You are the type who loves to support others, making sure that things go on smoothly. For your Halloween costume, you often like to become someone who takes care of others. Think a king, queen, a lord, a knight. 

Explore what you see in the inner you so that your choice of Halloween costume can reflect the traits that you want to highlight. This will make your Halloween more special this year! 

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What Your Halloween Costume Says About You
Brandon Resasco
