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Home Who do I invite to my Halloween Party?

Who do I invite to my Halloween Party?


Before we know it, Halloween is just around the corner, and once again, the neighborhood porch lights will remain aglow with yellow or orange, the house fronts decorated with cobwebs and pumpkins, and the kids trick-or-treating well into the night. 

Adults will also be looking forward to this event, celebrating it by having cookouts, bonfires, or even throwing a party!

But, wait. Now that you are an adult about to host your own Halloween party in your home, how do you know who to invite? Starting your planning with a guest list is necessary, but it may be one of the most challenging parts of the party planning process. 

Of course, to be realistic, there are key factors that will help you consider the answer to the question of who to invite to your Halloween party

  1. What is your ideal guest list size? How many people do you want to accommodate in your party? 
  2. Will this number be comfortably accommodated in your home? 
  3. How much is your budget for the party? 
  4. What is your personal preference? Do you want your party to be a small and intimate one? Or do you want it to be a big and social event? 

Have you thought of these things and answered them? If yes, then we can move on to the next key things to think about so that you can make a Halloween party guest list

  • What is the person’s relationship to you? Are they a close friend or a close family member? 

  • Are they part of your social circle? The people around you are usually composed of family, friends, coworkers, and people you associate with in organizations. Are there people in this circle that you want to introduce to each other? Or in your opinion, will the people from your different social circles have good chemistry if they mingle in one party?  

If you would like your party to be a mix of your different social circles, you can consider how bringing them together will affect the mood of your party. In this set up, also consider the ratio of couples to the singles, and make sure that singles you invite also know other singles at the party, so they won’t feel left out. 

  • Will the people you invite be able to comfortably travel to and fro your party venue and will they have dietary restrictions that might impact your planning? Considering even the logistics and special needs of your guests will give you an idea whether you want to accommodate and respond to possible challenges once they come to your party. 

  • Are you interested in spending time with these people? Since you are throwing a Halloween party where of course you expect to have a good time, and the people who come also want to have fun, it is important to invite people whose company you genuinely enjoy. Being around these people brings the good vibes in you and they bring positive energy into the room.  

Too many times, people invite others to parties out of duty,  out of a sense of responsibility, or out of politeness, even if there is no good relationship, connection or friendship between them. 

And in the end, their presence really does not really make the party a better one. To avoid this, be true in your assessment of your relationship with the people you plan on inviting. 

With these tips in mind, you can craft a guest list that will gather people you really want to be around you in such a joyous occasion. 

Once you figure your list out, do not forget to send out the invitations early! Since there are a lot of events, activities and parties scheduled around this time of the month, having sent your invites early allows people you invite to include your event on their calendars. 

And remember to send out reminders as the date of your Halloween party is drawing near. This way, many of those who received your invite can make it. 

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Who do I invite to my Halloween Party?
Brandon Resasco
