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I Am Living Paycheck To Paycheck. I Have No Savings. I Can't Get A Job Related To My Major. My Parents Won't Talk To Me. I Am So Sad With My Life. Please Help.

By: Angelica Brown
Being out on your own can be difficult. Especially when you do not have your parents or family to support you and rely on. Take your time and work hard to get yourself out of any hardships. Although, still remember to work on yourself and have fun. You will figure out how to get out of your situation, everyone has a learning experience to grow from when they are young adults.
Saving money is necessary when working to improve your life and support your living needs. While you currently do not have a job, learn how to budget, and preserve what you currently have. Food, money, gas, and other things like that should be managed in a way so that you do not have to spend all your money before getting a job. Immediately begin looking for a job(s) and make sure your resume is updated for applications within your specific field. Until you can find an exact job in your field, be open to any job to save money or similar jobs if not exactly what you want.
Another thing is that you need to reach out to people and not be afraid to ask for help. If you do not have your parents anymore to help support you, see if anyone else in your family or any friends would be willing to help. If no one will let you live with them until you find a place, see if people will let you couch surf until you begin to find your footing. Even if that does not happen, people may be willing to invite you over for dinner, pay for an activity, offer gas money for driving them. Small things like that can definitely help you when you are struggling.
Furthermore, taking the time to work on yourself and have fun is important when working hard. When you are having a difficult time, taking the time to rest, take a break, and do something for yourself is beneficial. You can watch TV, read, journal, exercise, spend time with friends, learn to cook, anything that makes you happy and improves your life. Taking this time will allow you to temporarily get away from the sadness in your life and the feeling that things will not get better.
Trying to get out of a financial slump and being hit from every angle in your life can be discouraging. Although, with time and patience you can get out of it. Make sure you are working hard but also make sure you have time for yourself and for fun. Do not give up hope and do not feel bad about asking for help. You will get through this and find the people that are supposed to be in your life.