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Home Thinking About Changing Your Career? The Top 10 Professions In Healthcare in 2023

Thinking About Changing Your Career? The Top 10 Professions In Healthcare in 2023


            A job in healthcare can be too much for a person especially if you are not properly compensated. The amount of work that you have to put in and the attitude that people throw at you at their most vulnerable times takes so much patience and self-control. It is certainly not easy to have a career in health care. You have to be mentally, physically, and emotionally strong.

            According to the U.S. and World Report News, here are the top 10 Best Healthcare professions in 2023. They took into consideration the number of hours you put in, salary, and how many people considers it to be one of the best.

  1. Nurse Anesthetist

            Coming last in the rank is a Nurse Anesthetist. This job entails working under a supervision of a doctor or working individually. Being a certified registered nurse anesthetist includes conducting patient assessments, monitoring patient`s vitals, preparing anesthetic, working with other healthcare staff and keeping an eye towards patients that are recovering from the anesthesia administered to them.

  1. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

            These surgeons specialized on surgeries in the mouth, jaw, face, head, neck, and teeth. However, some will choose to practice only the surgeries that can be done in their clinics. Some of the surgeries that you will have to deal with are cleft surgery, head and neck cancer, and facial cosmetics. So for some people, this can be truly a fulfilling job because you can significantly improve the life of your patients.

  1. Registered Nurse

            We all know what a nurse does but aside from administering medication and changing wound dressings, there are a lot of responsibilities in being a nurse. A nurse is responsible for observing and recording the patient`s behavior, counseling and educating the patient`s family for the treatment plan. For head nurses, they will have to supervise their co-nurses, nurse aides, and nurse assistants. 

  1. Orthodontist

            You may also consider a career in making people confident with their smile. There is a difference between being a dentist and an orthodontist. Orthodontists have completed a specialist degree to earn that title. They specialize in tooth and jaw alignment. In simpler words, they are the only ones that are trained to put on braces to people.

  1. Physician

            As a physician, you will be responsible for examining all the patient`s records and medical histories. Having an excellent patient care attitude is also important because you`ll have to tend to their concerns and answer their questions. Diagnosing, treating illnesses, injuries, and disorders will have to be your main job. Being articulate also plays a role in being a physician, you will have to explain medical procedures in simpler terms to the patients and their guardians or families.

  1. Veterinarian

            If you are passionate about animals, then this is definitely a career you will excel in. The medical education that you`ll go through is almost as hard as medical school. Learning different animal systems can be pretty daunting but if you`re passionate about something, you will see through it until the end.

  1. Dentist

            Your main responsibilities as a dentist includes diagnosing oral diseases and infections to your patients. You will also have to perform procedures to remove plaques and decay on the teeth of your patients. This includes application of prosthetics, whiteners, and sealers.

  1. Physical Therapist

            Being a physical therapist is one of the hardest and most fulfilling job in the healthcare system. You will deal with people that have lost a foot or an arm, people who have lost their ability to control their own bodies, or people who survived from traumatizing events such as wars or a plane crash. Yes, it`s going to be hard but you will also be able to drastically help the lives of your patients.

            A physical therapist is responsible for a lot of things. This includes diagnosing movement dysfunctions, coach patients with therapeutic exercises, consult with patients to learn their physical condition and talk to their doctors or orthopedics, advise patients on home exercises, and educate them on the recovery process.

  1. Physician Assistant

            When you are physician assistant, you are expected to work under supervision of a doctor but for some rural areas, you can still individually work. Here are some of your responsibilities; order diagnostic tests, stitch wounds, set bones, administer shots, maintain patient records, and of course, interview and examine patients.

  1. Nurse Practitioner

            Nurse practitioners are nurses that have undergone another specialized training allowing them to do advanced procedures. They are able to prescribe and dispense medications when necessary and order and perform diagnostic tests like x-rays and laboratory tests.

            The U.S. and World Report News considers this as the number one in healthcare professions because it is above average in terms of upward mobility and stress level. There is a considerable amount of opportunities for advancements and the work environment and complexities of the job is lower than other healthcare jobs with the same salary.


            Whatever career you choose in healthcare, it is going to be a noble job. People`s lives hang onto your competence and knowledge. I hope you will be able to find that spark that your previous career has not provided for you.

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Thinking About Changing Your Career? The Top 10 Professions In Healthcare in 2023
Danilo Huerto
