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Home My kid's schedule is fully packed with after-school activities everyday. How much is too much?

My kid's schedule is fully packed with after-school activities everyday. How much is too much?


Children who have daily activities that are prepared and familiar develop confidence and security. A daily schedule that follows a predictable routine results in a predictable day that gives children a feeling of control. 

But is it possible to have too much of this good thing? 

It is becoming a common thing to see a typical teenager’s daily schedule that looks like this. Spend 2 hours doing their homework, 30 minutes practicing a musical instrument, going to sports practice 3 to 4 times a week, and doing extra classes on weekends with homework to boot. 

Imagine how much stress and fatigue the child must feel! 

Why are more parents advocating this? 

Parents have their hearts in the right place. Parents want their children not to miss any great opportunity, and give them every chance to have more advantage or edge over others in their age group, especially more chances to get into good schools for college. 

Parents might think that children only have to manage their time and fit all these activities into their schedule and they will be off to a better future. 

Called enrichment activities, these extra classes, lessons and learning opportunities are often arranged into a child’s schedule so that every space and time is occupied doing something that is “productive” and making sure that there is no time for activities “without real use or purpose.” 

Enrichment activities include learning musical instruments, playing a sport, art, and the like. They make the child develop skills that make for holistic development. They are goo in and of themselves, but many are now asking if overcrowding a child’s schedule is doing more harm than good. 

The result? More children are feeling stressed, and even unmotivated. If you ask an over-scheduled teen, they might tell you that they would like some time for themselves to hang out with friends, pursue their own interests, or just spend time relaxing. 

Tips to promote a more balanced daily schedule for kids

  • Manage energy levels. A full schedule in school with additional extra curricular activities to rush home to almost on a daily basis is an energy depleter. A child with depleted resources tends to be more irritable, tired, and fidgety. 

  • Allow time to manage their time. Free time in one’s schedule helps children experience the benefits of boredom, which gives them a chance to be imaginative and creative with the things that can entertain them. 

  • Communicate with the child. Children’s interests are as varied as they are, and they can explore their interests and develop their passion for them as they expose themselves to different activities. 

Use this to bond and communicate with your child. Get to know what they are interested in. Parents can give a set of options, while not pressuring them to follow what you want personally. 

Parents should also be aware of their personal biases when giving options to children. Are these activities that the children themselves want? Or are they what the parents desire for the child to do? 

  • Keep a balanced routine. A balanced schedule that includes healthy amounts of school work, free time, time for interests, and time for sleep allows children to develop: 
  • Attention
  • Flexibility in thinking
  • Problem-solving
  • Time management

Streamlining your child’s schedule so that they can do their tasks more independently, responsibly and with enjoyment makes for a healthier child development.

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My kid's schedule is fully packed with after-school activities everyday. How much is too much?
Brandon Resasco
