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Home In need of a stable job ASAP! How can I make my resume more visible to future employers?

In need of a stable job ASAP! How can I make my resume more visible to future employers?


A single piece of paper that contains the story of your professional life? That is how important your resume is. 

But statistics tell us that if our resume reaches the hands of hiring managers, they only spend about 6 to 10 seconds to scan our resume and decide if it is rejected or accepted. That is barely enough time to get to know our career right? Unless our resume stands out because it is well-written and compelling! 

Getting past the Applicant Tracking  System and HR and Getting scheduled for an Interview

Your resume is your representative, the one that prepares the way and opens the door for you to an interview. 

So how do you stand out? 

  • Ditch the generic mission statement, and highlight your resume headline. Your name and a simple headline should be easily readable. This resume headline describes your specialization in one line. 

To emphasize your accomplishments, roles and responsibilities, and other data, be sure to use bullet points instead of writing in long paragraphs. 

  • Briefly describe the previous companies you have worked for instead of just writing the company name in your resume. The HR does not have both the time and patience to research what your previous employers’ industries are, so you are helping the HR understand your career experience by adding a few details under the company name. 

For example, if you write, “this is the leading mental health organization and mental health services provider in the  industry” under an organization you were affiliated with, it provides the hiring team an idea of how relevant your experience or skills are for the role you are applying for. 

  • Highlight the results you have brought to your previous employment. Aside from listing down your roles and responsibilities, shine some light on how you helped your company achieve results. Use quantifiable measurements in showing these accomplishments. 

  • Create a highly customized resume for each job position you are applying for. Gone are the days when a single template of resume can be given the same chance of being viewed as a customized resume. Write your resume side by side with the actual job description you are applying for. 

How do your previous experiences, and current skills answer the needs you see in the job post? If the company is looking for the solution for their company needs, be sure that you are one of the most appealing solutions. 

  • Use convincing action verbs. These words represent your truthful skills and roles, but they are written to grab attention and demonstrate your capabilities. 

  • Initiated. This shows you have leadership skills. 
  • Improved. This shows that you are able to complete projects and solve problems. 
  • Developed. This shows creativity and problem-solving skills. 
  • Increased. This shows your ability to assess a project and create ways to make it better. 
  • Implemented. This shows that you are able to manage resources, be part of a team, and have courage to follow policies. 

  • Show your unique qualities that set you apart from other candidates. It answers the question, “What makes you the best applicant for this position?” This can include both soft skills and passion that you may have developed over the years in and outside of your career. 

It makes you a balanced and an all around candidate that is both qualified and may be easy to work with. 

With these tips, you are making your resume formal, readable, and desirable for the HR team to want to get to know you more in person. Go on and apply them and make your resume stand out from the crowd!

Finding it hard to look for experienced healthcare and mental health professionals? Connect with a premier healthcare and mental health job board to help you seek the right people for the job. 

In need of a stable job ASAP! How can I make my resume more visible to future employers?
Brandon Resasco
