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Home Overthinking until I can't decide anymore. That's how analysis paralysis disrupts my life! What can I do?

Overthinking until I can't decide anymore. That's how analysis paralysis disrupts my life! What can I do?


For Big Bang Theory fans, the Sheldon-Amy bickering never seems to get old! Particularly in the episode entitled "The Indecision Amalgamation", Sheldon is overthinking what gaming system to buy- Xbox or PS4. He discusses the choices when he is with friends, during his dinner date with Amy, and even while they are supposed to be sharing a sweet moment before saying goodbye. His incessant chatter and seeming inability to choose even after days of research and consideration finally get into other people’s nerves. 

Of course, it is pretty understandable that we take some time to think before we make decisions. We believe that the more we know about our choices, the better the quality of our decision. 

But what if it comes to a point where even a simple decision takes hours to make? Or worse, what if when it comes to the things that matter to us, no decision is made? This may be a case of overthinking, or analysis paralysis. 

Why do we find it hard to stop overthinking? 

You might be someone who has always had difficulty choosing, or you have a history of stopping yourself from doing the things that you later on realize would have been good for you. 

The issue might lie in your past. Have you ever made a decision that did not turn out so well that you regretted it? Maybe it was hard for you to put trust in yourself or your ability to make decisions after that. 

As humans are naturally social beings, we also tend to be anxious over our fear of being judged for our decisions. How would people perceive us after making such choices? 

We may also think that a certain decision is too important to be making a mistake. 

So in all these cases, either we spend so much time figuring out the “perfect choice” and end up not doing anything at all. 

What simple strategies can we employ to help us make better decisions and not overthink? 

It may mean going inward and figuring out the possible factors from our past that influences us to overthink. 

Once we are aware of underlying issues, we can start implementing different strategies on how to make decisions with more confidence. 

  • Create your own perception of decision-making. 

One medical doctor and productivity author shared that thinking in terms of making experiments has helped remove from his shoulders the pressure. He says that when we inject a sense of wonder and curiosity in our decision-making process, we become more free to try out different paths. It gives us a chance to explore and apply options and see which one has the effect that we want. 

  • Make fear your guide. 

It might sound contradicting, but more often than not, the things that we are scared to try are actually the things that would bring us the greatest returns. But we are just hindered from taking the first step because of fear. 

  • Here are other guide questions to help you change your perception and answering them might give you more clarity when making decisions. 

  1. If you do not start _______  now, what might you regret after a year? 
  2. If you were to get advice from your mentors/coaches/role models in life, what advice do you think they would give you? 
  3. What are the cons/disadvantages if you do nothing about it? 
  4. What core life principles do you want to apply in this situation? 
  5. If this is just an experiment, what would you do? 

They say that the enemy of success is perfection. Do not let your fears and anxiety of the future stop you from making both small and big choices that may have a positive influence on the course of your life! 

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Overthinking until I can't decide anymore. That's how analysis paralysis disrupts my life! What can I do?
Brandon Resasco
