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Home I hate being the one to do all the work for a group project! How do I effectively collaborate with others on a project? A student's guide to fulfilling group work.

I hate being the one to do all the work for a group project! How do I effectively collaborate with others on a project? A student's guide to fulfilling group work.


As a student, what was an unpleasant experience you had with group projects? If memories of group work also bring you frustration or worse, pain, our view of collaboration might already be ruined. But what makes group work fulfilling and successful? 

Why is group work encouraged? 

  1. Group work motivates and encourages learning. It allows students to participate actively. 
  2. Group work develops the ability to work collaboratively, a highly valuable skill in the academic and professional setting. 
  3. Group work nurtures skills like problem-solving, conflict resolution, critical thinking and time management among others. 
  4. Group work provides opportunities to discuss ideas and improve communication skills. 

A big body of research shows that students benefit from working in groups. It increases academic achievement and abilities to collaborate. These advantages can even be seen in different age groups, from preschool to college. 

However, there are still questions that arise. Why do some group work prove to be successful, resulting in learning outcomes, while others do not? 

What are the challenges to learning from group work? 

Although there are high praises for group work, the reality is that the lack of planning and skills can lead to challenges. Objectives are not met and students are left with the idea that collaborating with others is not worth it after all. 

1. Individual differences in skill and personality. Students’ communication skills vary. Some students also prefer to work alone because their personalities tend to find interactions with others more challenging. 

2. Assessing students’ participation in group work might prove to be a challenge for teachers. If the division of tasks within a project may be unequal, and efforts each give are imbalanced, students may feel that group work is unfair, especially if students receive the same grade from their teachers. 

3. The pressure of the majority and dominance of an individual. As many would like to avoid conflicts, there is a tendency for individuals to conform to the thoughts of the group. Even if they think that some of the group decisions are not advantageous, they might still agree with them. In addition, when an individual dominates the decision-making, other members of the group may feel unsatisfied. 

Preparation is key. 

  • Guidelines on professional and civil behaviors. 

While respecting individual differences, your group can create an environment that is inclusive and respectful.

  • What ground rules should the group work with? 
  • What can increase trust in the group? Working together is easier to some extent when there is trust. 

  • Clarity on the task and its objectives. 

Before starting any work, understand how group work and collaboration is tied to learning. This leads to increased motivation to contribute to the success of the group. 

  • How are the group activities connected to what the class aims to teach?
  • What is the final product or output? 
  • Are written instructions available to all group members?

  • Teachers preparing students with group work skills. 

Before group work, it is beneficial for teachers to lay a foundation of skills such as how to give and receive feedback, how to manage time, and how to solve conflicts.

Since group work involves  multifaceted factors such as skills, personalities, expectations and goals, it is quite challenging. Although we may feel that working on projects individually is more efficient, with effective strategies, students can overcome these group work challenges and achieve learning outcomes. 

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I hate being the one to do all the work for a group project! How do I effectively collaborate with others on a project? A student's guide to fulfilling group work.
Brandon Resasco
