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Home How important is employer branding in recruitment? Best practices in branding.

How important is employer branding in recruitment? Best practices in branding.


Suddenly, lists of great places to work for have become a big deal. Job seekers are now making a company’s good reputation for employee welfare as one of their top considerations in applying for jobs. 

When a company has an image of being an amazing company to work for, it means that the majority of its employees have a consistent positive experience working for it. When employees are happy, they promote your work environment, company culture, professional growth opportunities and incentives. All these comprise your employer branding. 

The quality of your employer branding will either turn away or attract talent to your company during the recruiting process and keep them working for you long-term. In fact, studies about the recent job market shows that 3 in 4 job seekers look for companies that match their own values. 

In a competitive job climate, success in building good employee branding results in: 

  • Increasing your appeal to top talents looking for their next career opportunity
  • Increasing your chances for recruiting passively
  • Retain talented employees
  • Easier recruitment processes

These are questions to ponder about to make your branding as an employer clear.  

  1. What makes your company culture uniquely you? 
  2. How does your company culture align with the value of top talents? 
  3. What makes your company easy for your own employees to promote, for candidates to engage in, and for your employees to keep working there? 

Building a positive employer branding to improve the recruitment process

Depending on the size of the organization, CEOs, HRs, or marketing may be the one to craft the messaging. But the real power lies in the true experience of your employees and candidates that go through your recruitment process. 

The 2023 People Profession International survey report says that technology has been a critical changemaker in how organizations and teams have transformed and supported employees.  It is now common for young job seekers and employees to review and post their company experiences on social media, and online communities have made it easier for employees to share both the good and bad experiences they have with employers. This is good news to excellent companies, but it can work against companies whose values do not align with actual experiences of candidates or employees. 

Here are some best employer branding best practices: 

1. Have a good storytelling strategy and good stories to tell. When you are able to live out a people-centered approach, your employees become your advocates and they will proudly magnify your message. 

2. Explore your uniqueness as a company. Copying another company’s employer branding may not work for you. Get to know your own company’s uniqueness, objectives, and the type of people you need to meet them. Do you offer room to grow and make mistakes? Are you big on social responsibility? It is up to you. 

Learn how your company is currently perceived through surveys, internet searches and even monitoring agencies. This allows you to check what are your good practices and what needs to change. 

3. Create your company-specific value proposition. Employer value proposition (EVP) comprises things that you offer in exchange for your employees’ talents, skills and offer. This is where you strike a good balance between what you can give and what you receive. 

A powerful EVP works to attract and keep top talents, help your people focus on organizational goals and even revive your team. EVP can include: 

  • Company vision and mission, values, and culture
  • Employee compensation
  • Professional advancement
  • Job security
  • Work-life balance
  • Perks and benefits
  • Recognition of achievements
  • Flexible work arrangement
  • Social responsibility 

Use these strategies and best practices in order to stand out and convert top talents into an effective team of fulfilled employees! 

If you are a healthcare and  mental health professional, browse through the premier healthcare job board to find healthcare career opportunities that fit you. 

How important is employer branding in recruitment? Best practices in branding.
Brandon Resasco
