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Home Lifelong learning. Why is continuous learning important to grow as a human being?

Lifelong learning. Why is continuous learning important to grow as a human being?


The US has had many education advocates. One of them was the US’ second First Lady  Abigail Adams who fought for equal rights to education. On how humans should pursue lifelong learning, she said, “Learning is not attained by chance; it must be sought for with ardor and diligence.” 

What is lifelong learning and is the US on track with lifelong learning? 

In a Pew Research survey, Americans perceive themselves as lifelong learners. In fact, 7 out of 10 US adults say that they engage in learning activities in their personal lives. These activities, arranged from the highest to lowest percentage, include: 

  • Reading magazines about how to do things, and other areas of personal interest,
  • Attending a gathering where they learn new information (clubs, support groups, etc.), 
  • Attending learning conferences or conventions for personal interest,  
  • Taking a course, face-to-face, to learn about things they are interested in, 
  • Taking an online course. 

Lifelong learning can be defined as a long-term, voluntary, and self-driven push towards gaining knowledge and skills.  

The benefits of lifelong learning includes positive transformation in the individual’s personal life, career, and community. There is greater opportunities for: 

  • Belonging to a group or social circle
  • Becoming a more active citizen in the community
  • Individual personality development (example: self-esteem and confidence) 
  • Developing career skills (Example: Tech skills, business) 

This motivation and skill to pursue knowledge seems to be acquired from repeated exposure, honed through practice, and developed with time. It is a desire to grow as an individual from the moment you decide to do it until death. 

What influences lifelong learning? 

When we think about education, what comes to mind? Do we imagine the four corners of a classroom, or maybe getting a degree or certificate which marks the end goal of any form of learning? 

Interestingly, education is not limited to learning for months or years until we become certified and graduate, but education is “the process of changing our behavior.” This occurs from childhood until our old age! 

The concept of lifelong learning has been here for more than 100 years since its introduction in 1919, and our approach to lifelong learning has evolved along with a rapidly changing world. The ability to acquire education and become competent in different areas of life has become a necessity for all! 

In addition, increasing life expectancy in the US, the desire for a higher quality of living and its effect of making people want better physical and mental wellbeing as they get older seem to positively influence lifelong learning. 

What are lifelong learning skills? 

Here are some abilities that facilitate lifelong learning. 

1. The ability to manage one’ self. This includes the ability to make decisions about one’s self, to evaluate how one is doing while learning, to work with others on a project, to find internal motivation to learn among many others. 

2. The ability to identify learning opportunities. Our ability to know what activities we need to do in order to learn something, to ask questions while learning, and to prioritize sources of information are part of this. 

3. The ability to use technology to learn. This includes knowing how to use the Internet, computers and other tech tools  to learn effectively. 

Our desire for learning can benefit us by giving us an advantage in the things we do, but it also helps us adapt and change so that we can live a life that we consider worthwhile and enjoyable. 

As the world around us changes, we change along with it through lifelong learning. We grow and we reap the benefits of a new era, the era of lifelong learning. 

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Lifelong learning. Why is continuous learning important to grow as a human being?
Brandon Resasco
