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Home What are key differences between Millennials and GenZs? Understanding these generations' characteristics.

What are key differences between Millennials and GenZs? Understanding these generations' characteristics.


“Each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it.” - George Orwell 

It seems a commonly held belief that one’s generation is better than others. It is indeed a thought to ponder how we view the generations before us, ours, and the next ones following us. 

Sociologists and researchers alike have had more than a decade to study the generation cohort that will comprise the majority of the US’ young adult and middle adults, the majority of the country’s people who are actively working- the Millennials and Generations Zs or GenZs. 

When we gather these groups’ attitudes about significant issues in society and note the differences in attitudes they have about these issues, we get a picture of how older Millennials and the  younger GenZs view experiences that form their identities and perceptions. 

Millennials and GenZs, more similar to each other than with other generations before them. 

Born between 1981 and 1996, Millennials are now in their 30s, while many GenZs, born between 1997 and 2012, are in their 20s. 

When naming and differentiating generations, we take into consideration the important political, economic, and social events that influence and shift each generation’s growing up years.

And according to Pew Research Center, when it comes to important issues on the social and political level, diversity, views on climate change, and stand against racial discrimination,  GenZs and Millennials share key similarities. 

How do we differentiate Millennials from GenZs? 

For the purpose of discussion, though, let us look at the key differences between Millennials and GenZs, not to create conflict, but to foster understanding.

  • Work principles. Surveys of working Millennials and GenZs repeatedly show what is important for each generation. While Millennials generally live for work-life balance, GenZs are more concerned with equality and diversity in the workplace. 

  • Motivation and drive. Millennials are more driven by opportunities to grow their careers over time, while GenZs run after job security and pay equity and pay raise. 

  • Preferences at work. Millennials feel satisfied when work has a more team-oriented and collaborative approach, when work hours are more flexible, and when their career experiences growth. Meanwhile, GenZs prefer more independent work, while being energized by performing a variety of tasks or roles in their organization. 

  • Expertise in technology. Millennials grew up while the Internet started to become widespread, so they got to grow up learning different tools. On the other hand, GenZs grew up with everything technology-related already set up for them to use, so they are always connected to the Internet, and they are learning technology from a young age. 

  • Insights about education. Millennials have received a wake-up call on the merits of education and many are questioning if their formal education was worth it. On the contrary, GenZs who grew up with options on education are now exploring both formal and informal ways to receive education. 

When I think about the conversation about who is the better generation, I remember what Julian Castro said about generations. He said that “In the end, the American dream is not a sprint, or even a marathon, but a relay. Our families don't always cross the finish line in the span of one generation. But each generation passes on to the next the fruits of their labor.” 

And I guess, instead of giving our energy to asserting ourselves to be better than others, we can think of how our generation can be a shoulder upon which the next generation can stand on. After all, our success as a generation can be solidified by the quality of people we help build.

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What are key differences between Millennials and GenZs? Understanding these generations' characteristics.
Brandon Resasco
