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Home When is it the right time to relocate for a job opportunity?

When is it the right time to relocate for a job opportunity?


Are you currently considering taking up your company’s offer to move to a different company location? The perks must be attractive in order for an employee to even think about the possibility of moving one’s life and settling in a different part of the country or even the globe! 

One of the main reasons an employee is offered a job relocation is the company’s belief that the employee would be an asset and bring much needed change in the new job location. In addition, job relocation comes with a promotion, an increase in salary and more. 

Some companies have relocation packages that include covering your travel expenses, even assistance in acquiring your next home, or a temporary house while you are getting settled. 

For employees who want to jumpstart the excitement in their career, or maybe move closer to where their families reside, job relocation is also an attractive offer. 

Because a job relocation is a huge career move, you must take many things into consideration, be wise and intentional before making the move. 

If not, it might result in feelings of regret. In fact, a recent survey of employees who moved for a job revealed that 3 in 4 of them wished they did not relocate for a job, while 6 in 10 said they would want to return to their previous work. 

When is job relocation your next big career move? 

Here are a few questions you might think about related to the possible cons of job relocation? 

  • Are you ready to be away from loved ones behind, like friends and family members for long stretches of time? 
  • How are your skills in building new relationships? 
  • Where can you find resources to allow you to connect with service providers such as doctors, counselors, dentists and other services?
  • Will you have assistance in finding a suitable accommodation? 
  • What types of communities can you join in your new location? 

Other things to consider when deciding to relocate

  • Have a more holistic view of the situation. Your move to a new place will not only affect your work, but all areas of your life. You will be staying at that place for some years probably if things go well at work.  

Go back to your personal goals and your family’s if you have one. Will the move further improve your chances of achieving your professional, relational, and financial goals? 

What lifestyle do you want to live in that new place? Does the place provide the facilities that you need to live that lifestyle? Also consider the same for your partner and family if you have them. 

1. It is a mutual decision. Employees with a partner, and children, especially older ones, have their family to consider before making a decision. Your partner who is also employed might want to do their own research as well on how the move affects their career, and for opportunities for a job. 

Interestingly, when a partner feels like they have been dragged into the move without being prepared for it, they might experience trailing spouse syndrome. It is a phrase used to describe the emotional challenges that partners of people who relocated for a job undergo. It results in them feeling isolated, having lost their identity, lonely, and depressed

2. With all things considered, make a thoughtful decision to accept or reject the offer of job relocation. After considering all the pros and cons, and you feel that the benefits outweigh the risks, then by all means, do what you think is best for your career, personal development, and family. But if not, do now worry when saying no. You are still making a decision for your long-term good. And that is what matters. 

If you do relocate, note that it will take some time and intentionality to make yourself and your family feel settled. Take it one day at a time, while setting your eyes on your goals. Good luck! 

Do you need help connecting with job opportunities? So that you can just focus on putting your best foot forward, have a healthcare job board help you jumpstart your job application process! 

When is it the right time to relocate for a job opportunity?
Brandon Resasco
