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Home Effects of positivity on job search motivation. How do I stay confident when my job search gets tough?

Effects of positivity on job search motivation. How do I stay confident when my job search gets tough?


You open the email, the one you have been hoping would change the course of your career. Instead of a note of welcome, it was a polite rejection to the job you tirelessly made sure to do well all throughout its hiring process. Of course, this will not sting so much if it is the first few job applications you had. But what if it has been rejection after rejection for the past several months? 

Maybe you are now thinking you can only take so much. When would this stop? How can you prevent job rejections from bringing you down? 

From newbies who are starting out in their career to seasoned and well-experienced job applicants, job hunting in the last few years has been challenging. Thus knowing how to manage your emotions, how to regroup, and how to move forward are all vital skills in your job search. 

Here are some practical ways to stay positive while moving forward with your job search: 

  • Sit with the feelings and acknowledge that you may be hurt, frustrated or even angry. You have put in a lot of your energy and time and you are disappointed with the result. These feelings are valid. Allow yourself to feel them. How do you usually process emotions? 

Choose healthy ways to cope with these feelings such as going on a walk or to the gym, journaling, or doing a hobby you enjoy. Then put the emotions behind you and focus on the future. 

  • Use the job rejections as opportunities to get valuable insight. What can you learn from the experience? You can send a follow up email asking the recruitment team for any areas in the application that you can improve on. This is especially true for job applications where you passed several stages of the hiring process. Also, you can personally reflect on what you think worked for you and what did not, so that you can integrate the good points in the next job application. 

  • Job hunting is like a job, so create a pace that supports your energy levels and prevents you from burning out. Creating your resume and updating it to suit each and every company you apply to, writing cover letters, updating your socials for more recruiters to see you, and preparing for rounds of  interviews is no joke. They can drain your energy and eat up time. 

Just as a healthy balance between work and play prepares you to work again, having ample time for both rest and job hunting within the days, weeks, and months keeps you feeling energized and motivated. If for you this means applying to jobs from Monday to Friday and taking a rest on weekends, then do so. 

  • Make yourself busy with an activity that promotes personal growth; it may be volunteering, serving in a non-profit, or learning new skills. On days that you are not job hunting, why not beef up your skills or experience? It has two benefits. First, you are making sure that your time is filled with productive work that may be attractive to other job recruiters. Second, you are employing your mind in positive thoughts because you are telling yourself that you can still do good things while searching for the next job. 

  • Assess strategies that you may not have tried yet and check how they might increase your chances of getting a job. Recently, social media engagement with companies on social media provides job seekers with real-time updates and feedback. Have you tried connecting with recruitment agencies? They have the network you need. Placing your job-related information on social media can also increase your chances of being discovered via outbound sourcing by recruiters. 

With these tips, you can motivate yourself again after your confidence may be deflated by a job rejection. Remember that a job acceptance or rejection does not determine your worth as a person. Continue to persevere, improve, and grow in confidence. Your positive mindset and affirmative thoughts along with your skills will get you through. 

Know how a job board can be your best bet in finding and connecting with a rewarding career in health care or the mental health industry!

Effects of positivity on job search motivation. How do I stay confident when my job search gets tough?
Brandon Resasco
