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Home Thinking of giving my kid a pet dog for his 10th birthday. Is that a good idea? The benefits and considerations of having a pet.

Thinking of giving my kid a pet dog for his 10th birthday. Is that a good idea? The benefits and considerations of having a pet.


“The dog was created specially for children. He is the god of frolic.” – Henry Ward 

Those who have owned a dog once in their life would know the warmth of happy memories with their canine friend. It is therefore not uncommon for people who have had a dog to also make a dog part of the family once they have children of their own. 

In this article we are going to go through some key considerations before you get a dog for your child so that we get the best of both worlds- an appropriate kind of dog who will bring joy to your family, and a family that is ready and responsible in their responsibilities for the dog’s wellbeing. 

We are starting strong with this one. 

Dogs are not merely presents to give. Prepare for it. 

Dogs are living and feeling creatures that serve as pets who need our long-term commitment. With that said, preparation to receive it into your home is crucial. 

  • If you are planning to give the dog to your child, has the child shown patience in taking care of something before? The dog breed you pick might need taking after, especially in going for walks, cleaning up and grooming among others. 

  • Research in advance before choosing a dog breed that will fit your family’s lifestyle and personality. Also consider your living area, the space the dog requires, and where they would stay and run around. 

Choosing a dog breed is not so easy. Choose what is suitable for your family. 

  • If it is your first time to have a dog, and you and your kids have busy schedules, look into breeds that require less maintenance or “low-maintenance dog breeds.” These breeds need minimal training, grooming, physical activities, and have fewer health issues compared to other breeds. On the other hand, if you are an active family, dogs that would be perfect for hiking, swimming, etc might be the best for you. 

  • In addition, dog breeds have different temperaments, with some to be known as friendly to children, while some are unfriendly and unsuitable as a family dog. One thing to consider is also whether you get a male or female dog as they have different temperaments and needs for attention or affection. 

  • Part of owning a dog responsibly is making sure the dog is healthy and safe. Search on the pet supplies you might need for feeding, training, cleaning up, and playing. In addition, consider if you need a designated dog zone, create house rules for how the dog should behave in the house, and make the house safe by proofing. Lastly, know where your nearest and trusted veterinarian is. 

Training will make a difference. Invest in it. 

  • No one behaves perfectly, while no one is also exempt from training to get better in their behavior. This is true for dogs too! You and your family can benefit from training your dog early on how to move around the house, how to obey you, and how to socialize with others. 

  • WIthout training, the dog might act like a spoiled child, a boss, or worse, behave in a way that is unsafe for children. So invest time and effort in training your dogs. 

When is it the right time to get a dog for your children? 

The rule of thumb is that the older the child when getting a dog, the better. Children will still mature and develop in their abilities to listen to their parents, follow directions, and take part in taking care of others. 

In addition, if the child is too young to do these things, they will be growing with the pet dog, and not really assuming responsibility in taking care of it- meaning respecting the pet and taking care of some of its needs. 

At seven years old, children have some motivation to help with things in the house, and may want to do things on their own. Consider your child’s developmental age and decide from there too. 

So do you really want dogs and are prepared to lovingly commit to them? Consider the things mentioned above and assess your and your child’s readiness in welcoming a dog into your family. With the great love that you will receive from a pet dog also comes responsibility.

“Before you get a dog, you can’t quite imagine what living with one might be like; afterward, you can’t imagine living any other way.” – Caroline Knapp 

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Thinking of giving my kid a pet dog for his 10th birthday. Is that a good idea? The benefits and considerations of having a pet.
Brandon Resasco
