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Home Is it wise to hire family members? The pros and cons of family members working together.

Is it wise to hire family members? The pros and cons of family members working together.


Reading about the success stories of businesses that have made it big through working with family members is really inspiring! Think of Walmart, Cargill, Ford, Berkshire Hathaway, Dell, Nike, and Samsung and their success! 

However, there are two sides of the same coin. Why do some family-run businesses succeed while others don’t? If you are thinking of involving your spouse, family members, or relatives into your business venture, you have to face the facts first. 

Working with family often gets such a bad reputation because although it has the potential to be productive and enjoyable, it also brings a lot of risks and complications. 

What do you need to consider before working with family? 

  • Why do you want to hire from family members? Are these reasons strong enough? Do these family members bring the best value to your business? Or is your main reason to help them? 

  • What is your relationship with these family members? Would it be possible to establish and maintain a professional working relationship with them? 

  • What are everyone's goals in working for the family business? Will the business be able to meet both company goals and each individual’s career goals? 

Issues that often hurt family-run businesses

  • Issues related to preferential treatment or other employees believing that they are treated unfairly. This can lead to division and conflict in the workplace. Favoritism must be prevented as much as possible and everyone must follow the same rules and regulations regardless of personal relationship to each other. 

  • Work and business responsibilities can follow you even at home. Without setting healthy boundaries, you might feel that work does not stop. How can you relax and unwind if your business partners and employees are also with you in your free time? Clear boundaries are essential. 

  • Resentment can build up. Whether it is an issue over responsibilities that they are not willing to take, or they disagree with you in company protocol, certain disagreements that are not solved can build up and lead to resentment and decrease in work productivity. 

In addition, what will happen if a sibling or a relative who also works in the business does not perform well, and they expect to receive the same advantages as others? Worse, there is no easy way to deal with firing a family member. 

  • There might be highly unrealistic expectations. Those working for their family might not feel appreciated for the things they do for the business. In addition, some complain that the pay they receive from their family-run business is lower compared to industry standards. 

Benefits of working with family members

  • Your close relationship allows you to be honest with each other as you will be working with people you trust. 

  • They can have the same devotion and dedication as you to the business. Your relationship may mean instant loyalty to you and your company’s goals. 

  • It can bring job security to family members. 

  • Depending on your agreement, there are more opportunities for working with schedule flexibility. 

  • Overcoming challenges and achieving triumphs in the business can forge closer relationships. 

Remember that though it is possible to succeed, working with family is not everyone. But if you are set on it, with enough preparation, and the right execution, you and your family might surpass challenges and make it big! 

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Is it wise to hire family members? The pros and cons of family members working together.
Brandon Resasco
