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What are considered 21st century skills that prepare children for modern society?


When I read the proverb that says "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now”, I get the conviction that the best time for a parent like me to prepare my children for the future is now. 

We can all agree that children are the most voracious in learning when they are still young. They are curious, adventurous and energetic learners! Thus, parents, along with the community, have the responsibility to create an environment that encourages stimulating and developmental experiences in areas called the 21st century skills.  

21st century skills

Society, undeniably, has become more global, digital and technological. The traditional academic learning and classroom has to adapt to this fast-changing world where opportunities for personal and professional growth may have yet to be discovered! 

The 21st century skills are composed of skills, attitudes and knowledge that follow 3 frameworks. These are learning skills, life skills, and literacy skills.

Learning skills help children prepare to gather, analyze, and retain information effectively. These strategies aid people to become lifelong learners. These abilities cover communication, collaboration, and communication. Here is an expanded explanation of the most popular learning skills: 

  • Critical thinking. Children develop the ability to solve problems by finding solutions. 
  • Creativity. Children learn to think outside the box. 
  • Collaboration. Children learn to interact with and work effectively with others. 
  • Communication. Children learn how to socialize with others. 

Life skills help individuals live daily life effectively, and set goals and move towards personal and professional achievement. People who acquire life skills learn to manage their emotions, organize and deal with thoughts, and direct their behaviors. They also learn to form healthy relationships with others. These cover literacy in information, media, and technology. 

Literacy skills are people’s ability to read, write and communicate well. All these skills are also applicable to daily life. They include social skills, productivity, leadership, flexibility and initiative. 

How and where children can learn 21st century skills? 

Research puts emphasis on creative positive learning experiences for children early in their lives as these experiences have the most impact on their developing minds. 

  • Learning through play

It is established that children learn best when they play. They can demonstrate the things they learn, and engage in their interests. They learn new actions through practice, and skills are developed over time. 

  • Interactions with adults

People older than the child including their parents, other older children, and siblings are the first people young children interact with, especially through play. Adults have the ability to provide an environment for learning. At this stage, children learn how to connect, associate things, and reinforce skills they have acquired. It is called guided play

  • Learning in all situations

Learning environments do not have to be either in the classroom or at home. Learning happens everywhere! When parents take children to do errands, children have a chance to see, interact with and learn from the world outside.

These 21st century skills have become essential in a society that moves fast, and where these skills will not only help the child to become successful one day, but allow them to adapt to changes. When industries are regularly disrupted and realities change at a moment’s notice, change is the only guarantee. We need to equip the next generation of adults to go with the change. 

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What are considered 21st century skills that prepare children for modern society?
Brandon Resasco
