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As A Mental Health Therapist Or Social Worker, What Do You See As The Main Reason Why Your Pay Hasn't Increased To Your Ideal?
People have been more open to addressing their mental health issues than the past years. Now, more than ever, there is a need for...
I Think My Husband Is Having A Midlife Crisis. He Just Bought A New Mustang Convertible. How Can I Be So Sure? What Are The Signs? What Should I Do?
A midlife crisis involves a change of identity that happens mostly between the ages of 40-60 years old. At this stage, people...
Thinking About Changing Your Career? The Top 10 Professions In Healthcare in 2023
A job in healthcare can be too much for a person especially if you are not properly compensated. The...
How Telehealth Has Changed Healthcare?
The pandemic has enforced people to go out of their comfort zones and do something out of the ordinary. One of the things born...
Are Cover Letters Dead?
I`m sure you have come into this article because you are in the process of applying for a job. Cover letters are far from dead....
What Do You Look For Most In A New Job Opportunity?
Looking for a new job can be pretty daunting when you just graduated or when you have been working for years in your previous...
I Just Learned That My Girlfriend Of 6 Months Is A Hoarder and Has 8 Cats In Her House. What Should I Do?
Before getting judgmental, know that there is a difference between a hoarder and a collector. A collector likes to display her...
I Wanted Work Life Balance And Lost Out On A Promotion At My Job Because I Wouldn't Work Late Hours At The Office. How Can I Get A Job Promotion Without Working Long Hours?
I do not know if the best response is to congratulate you or call you dumb. But it is definitely brave of you to choose to not...
My Girlfriend Is Addicted To Fillers. Now She Doesn't Look Like My Girlfriend Anymore. I Am No Longer Attracted To Her. Should I Feel Bad?
Beauty standards get crazier and crazier by the years with the Kardashians taking the lead as the “It” girls. With the...
I Have Had Many Lovers This Past 6 Months. I'm Pregnant And Now I Do Not Know Who The Father Is. None of My Lovers Will Agree To Take A Paternity Test. What Can I Do?
Having a child is a life-defining moment. It takes a lot of responsibility to raise a child— financially, mentally, and...